Friday, November 04, 2005

I Have Come to Bury FTTA

Comment; I love this guy! Viva Chavez~
Have Come To Bury FTAA...

Fri Nov 04, 2005 8:28 pm
Have Come to Bury FTAA, Not to Praise It Chavez arrived in Mar del Plata this morning and went to his hotel, Hotel República, outside the "Forbidden Zone". As he de-planed, Chavez thundered against Bush's FTAA [Free Trade Zone of the Americas] project : FTAA is dead and we are going to bury it here today. It is a hegemonal, imperialistic and neo-colonial agreement...Those who are determined send everything to hell will choose the path to capitalism and neoliberalism. But there are those like Venezuela who want a better world and we will look for another path to integration [of trade]. Meanwhile, Bush arrives in Argentina with the trappings and regalia of gringo emperors: An armed Marine color guard, military escort, imperial seals and banners, red carpets, an imperial helicopter, a chest of blue silk ties, armored limos and a phalanx of the Emperor's Personal Imperial Guard [Men in black].


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