Tuesday, June 06, 2006

America’s Enemies!

There are four entities who represent the most dangerous enemies to American liberties since George III.

They are:

1. The Neocons or Likudists who owe their personal allegiance to another country and now completely control our foreign policy. They lied and deceived us into the Iraq war and are demanding that more and more American soldiers die to preserve their own country and ideals.

2. The Christian Evangelical right who is trying to force the United States into becoming a theocracy under their rule. They know in their hearts that they alone can restructure a secular humanist America into their idea of Heaven on Earth.

3. An element of American society that call themselves Patriots and are obsessively militaristic and great admirers of the corporate or fascistic state. Many of these have been very minor members of the American military and as a counterbalance to their reserve or rear area tours of duty, are rabidly in favor of draconian military action, the bloodier the better. Usually these drumbeaters are too old, or too fat, to fight and have no sons of draft age.

4. George W. Bush, who is the worst president in the history of the United States and directly responsible for the huge death tolls in Iraq, is determined to rule the United States until God puts a stop to him and is even more determined to force the American people into becoming obedient, Christian and self-sacrificing lemmings who worship at his shrine and march in step.

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The Voice of the White House

Washington, D.C., June 3, 2006: “An interesting report I read yesterday, for want of anything better to do, tells us that of the circa 150 oil drilling platforms (out of 2,000) in the upper Gulf of Mexico that were completely flattened by Katrina and Rita, only 25 have been put back into operation. The very present fear is that another season with some Force 5 storms could easily roar up into the Gulf and take out more platforms. If our industry can only get such a small number of wrecked oil platforms up in a year’s time, think of the disaster if, say, sixty or seventy more platforms were dumped this summer. If you think the price of gas is bad now, wait until then. Bush has been talking about releasing the official U.S. oil reserves but this wouldn’t cover thirty days of domestic consumption.

And the CIA sent over a report on rumors that Russia was going to move its Black Seas Fleet to a port on the eastern Mediterranean (Syria) It seems that the Bush people (read CIA) have been pressuring the Ukrainians to kick Putin out of the Crimea. After all, the CIA bribed dissidents in the Ukraine to change the pro-Moscow government there and are now following this dubious victory up with more mindless mischief. If Putin actually does move the fleet down to the Med, he will be accomplishing something the Tsars tried to do for centuries; get a warm-water port. That Stalin and his successors did not do this is because the U.S. would have once threatened Russia with immediate military retaliation.

Now, with our military power in shambles, we can only get Congoleeza to screech at them and the obnoxious and ineffectual Bolton to stick out his tongue at the UN. Our present serious weaknesses, both economic, political and military, are emboldening our many, and growing, enemies to ignore what they all see are empty threats.

I only hope those who voted for Bush are happy with the outcome of their bad judgment.

It is interesting to note the sudden interest Bush and his people are expressing in the so-called "gay marriage" issue. Considering the slipping economy, the soaring (and permanent) gas prices, the growing death tolls in Iraq and Afghanistan, the obvious corruption at the highest levels, the revelations of torture and murder of civilians by the U.S. military, the down-played high death tolls of U.S. servicemen and other matters, the "gay marriage" issue is a very crude attempt to deflect attention to Bush's sinking approval ratings (26%) and the desertion of the Republican and Christian right. In upper establishment circles on the East Coast, it is generally known that Bush himself led a gay-lifestyle while at Yale and has surrounded himself with gays such as Rove, Mehlman, the awful "Gannon" and others. This is typical of Bush who is vicious and small-minded. An unloved and unpleasant child, he has been supported by his family and high-level Republicans, the latter seeing in him an easily-controlled cipher to launch and support their far-right programs. Now, even these fanatic hopefuls have deserted him. Perhaps his mother can get him a job representing Mobil/Exxon oil company as their Moscow representative. The Russians do not suffer fools gladly and would make short work of him.”

Controlling the News

New York, June 4, 2006: “Presently, we are being told to minimize any discussion of the Marine Corps massacres in Iraq (and Army ones in Afghanistan) under the pretext that these “alleged” incidents are “now under serious investigation and may not be commented on.” Notice that no officers, senior or junior, are involved in these charges. The Bush people know that if they bagged some General and charged him with responsibility for these atrocities, he might talk and tell everyone just who approved of such illegal and terrible killings.

Libby, headed for a cell, has tried to fend off the Federal prosecutors by having his lawyers demand reams of highly sensitive papers from the White House. Since these papers would show exactly what, and who, was behind the attack on Iraq, Libby felt that the entire matter would be swept under a carpet somewhere. Unfortunately for him, a Federal judge ruled that the request had no merit and dismissed the request. Had he granted it, Libby would use these documents to threaten the Administration with blackmail. ”Cut me loose, pardon me or I will Tell All.” There are bets in the news room here that Libby will rat off Cheney and Bush when he sees the prospect of a small cell full of gays waiting for him.

GM and Ford are Not Happy with “negative” discussions of their gas-guzzling SUVs which they are stuck with tens of thousands of. We are requested not to mention the obvious fact that gas will surely rise to at least $4 at the pump before the end of summer or even higher if Mobil/Exxon and others feel they can get away with this. They advertise; we obey.

Diebold doesn’t advertise its easily tampered-with voting machines but their owner gave big bucks to Bush and the Republicans in return for a huge number of rigged contracts with various states. Too bad for Diebold that the states are kicking Diebold out.

One idea from the Republicans is to so downplay the November elections that only the pro-Bush fanatics will vote. Unfortunately for the GOP, most of Bush’s core support (the far right and the Evangelical right) are so disenchanted with Bush’s no-performance that it is they who will not vote and enormous numbers of outraged others who will.

‘There Is No Civil War In Iraq” is yet another theme and variation we deal with. No question the country is falling apart quickly but as this is not according to the Bush/Neocon plan, why it simply does not exist.

Also, little memos keep coming, telling us that we are being “unfair” by mentioning all the Republicans nailed for graft. Why not, the little memos ask, can’t we mention a few Democrats? On the front page and put any Republicans way in the back? Because the Democrats don’t have their hands on the money, that’s why, and the Democrats are not in power and able to cover up their thefts. Besides, who wants to give bribe money to the minority party? The GOP is in power and the bribers can actually get things they want by paying off the eager Republican Congress-people., or even the Administration itself.

In spite of the furor raised over the issue of illegal immigration, we have been asked to avoid any publicity on this burning matter for the time being. The individual states are cracking down severely on them and, oddly enough, the government is airlifting thousands of illegals to Central America, although most of them come from Mexico. Why? Because Bush has an agreement with Fox not to dump his unwanted poor back into a very unstable Mexico…at least before their upcoming elections.”


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