Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Report from the rabbithole

Other people know the truth:
Why can't Americans get it?

Pull quote:
The most real question pertaining to the development
of human society at the beginning of the 21st century
has recently been discussed exhaustively in, of all places,
Tehran, Iran. Credit must go to an Iranian society that can
forthrightly discuss ALL matters of history and not be
unduly influenced by the financial influence exerted
on Western capitalist governments by the international J
banking cartel that has turned World Bank-controlled
human society into a charnel house of depopulation for profit.

By John Kaminski

Something is happening, but you don’t know what it is, do you, Mr.
— Bob Dylan

They lynched Saddam on the basis of the lies they told about him. You
know what this means, of course. This is a clear announcement that they
WILL kill you on the basis of the lies they tell about you. And still
you slumber.

Justice is long gone from the law courts of the corporate West, maybe
from all courts in the world. Pretense and perverted purpose are in
complete control. Maybe it has always been this way. You may ponder
this at the funeral of your next dead relative, or the next time
somebody hands you a petition. Just tell them they never work.

I see the independent voices being snuffed out one by one, a macabre
procession of bullets in the brains of Hunter S. Thompson, Gary Webb,
and Ron Brown. Those who continue to write authoritatively are using a
formula to distance Js from Zs, to conceal the real culprits

The issue is freedom of speech. The key point is understanding the Js
existed long before the Zs, and the Z scam is just like the Communism
scam. What has been blamed on the Germans is actually a J invention.
The larger picture from the mid-1800s, when they failed in their
attempt to split the United States with a Civil War, reveals a massive
infiltration that created this mindlock that a small group should
create and control the wars and use everybody else as cannon fodder.

Every single person you see on television is employed by this group.
And very likely so are you, perhaps in some subterranean way that maybe
even you don’t know about. More than likely you do.

After more than 100 years of practice, the mechanisms for diversion of
attention are very sophisticated. Every movie, every song, crafted for
your consumption and with a purpose — to erode the fabric of what
exists for profit in an endless planetwide war on life itself. In a
world where deceit deceives itself, the shadow — being a perception
fear — must destroy the object that casts it.

But for most, it’s simply too big to see. When we’ve been brought
up on
tribal principles that define our basic world view, it’s very
to understand that these principles actually create the problems that
threaten us. Justifying crime in the name of national defense is the
usual excuse. Thus, the War on Terror.

There is an algebraic equation everybody needs to compute. Professor
Kevin MacDonald outlines the idea the neoconservatism is essentially a
Jewish movement. Therefore, why when talking about the neocons is the
motivating factor never mentioned?

But this is how history has proceeded. Surely all of it couldn’t have
been triggered by the same group?

Here is the razor’s edge of contemporary sociopolitical thought. So
many people beseech me to say this isn’t the fault of one group. And
that it is the question: Is it us, or is it them? Have we with our very
behavior created this war machine that plunders and poisons, or is it
the war machine that has created the heartless automatons we have

I offer only one piece of evidence that is the key to making the leap
to understanding what is going on. Consider the world today.

Freedom of speech exists in Iran, but not in the United States or most
of Europe.

One old friend who has spent most of his life running on the backroads
surprised me when he confided, "I'm shocked at the amount of publicity
that questions about the Holocaust are getting these days. I never
thought it would have been possible."

Coming from him, an itinerant intellectual who had done the dance with
some of the real archons of the underground individualist movement that
exists in all times and places, it raised my eyebrows. Then he added
with a twinkle in his eye, "Maybe they don't really control the media
after all."

I was stunned. Could it still be possible that truth could prevail in
this twisted day and age where bombs are dropped on the basis of lies
that are told? Where no-longer-useful tinhorn dictators are executed on
the basis of the fictions that have been foisted on the public?

I looked at him and grinned. Here was a guy who had lived in the real
world, the dirty world where things are done that you wouldn't tell
your family. He knew that the distant target of his .243 Wetherbee
rifle had a family, but that was irrelevant — this was business.

We both knew that all the bases were covered, that any serious attempt
at creating genuine freedom from this succubus that sucks the world
into its own shadow would quickly bring a horde of lemming parasites to
destroy the idea, to convert it to its own uses. Failing that, the
usual pattern of outraged protest, besmirchment, stonewalling,
blackmailing, bribery and if necessary murder would follow. The
difference between us, I guess, was that he believed this was a tribal
phenomenon whereas I had always felt it was specieswide amongst humans.

And this became the great question of our time: Have we been guided
into the position we’re in, or did we get here all by ourselves?

The most real question pertaining to the development of human society
at the beginning of the 21st century anno domini has recently been
discussed exhaustively in, of all places, Tehran, Iran. Credit must go
to an Iranian society that can forthrightly discuss ALL matters of
history and not be unduly influenced by the financial influence exerted
on Western capitalist governments by the international J banking cartel
that has turned World Bank-controlled human society into a charnel
house of depopulation for profit.

This is where the bottom line intersects with your anatomy. If you live
in Iraq, the method of this transmission is usually a bullet, one of
too many horrors to behold there. In our media drugged coma we hear the
empty rationales of the war on terror and realize that it's just a
hollow pose for profit, in which we sacrifice our children. That's
positively Molochean, he being the evil beast that poses as Yahweh,
Jehovah, Allah, and Almighty God as well as a welter of other

It is precisely here where the tapestry of lies that rule
capitalist/religious prison society begins to unravel. A very serious
lie has been perpetrated on everybody. And, as with so many other
tribal inventions, it has changed the very nature of reality and

In no single historical event is the J stranglehold on the world's
financial system better vivified and ritualized that in the thousands
of Holocaust Museums that have sprung up around the world like so many
mushrooms on the moonscape our beautiful world has become. The future
will regard these mental mausoleums as Houses of the Lie, which
numerous experts recently explained to their gracious and intelligent
host, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Comparing the presidents of the two nations, the United States and
Iran, is startling.

Mr. Ahmadinejad is an intellectual and caring father at home in the
world saying let us speak the truth about history and realize the
influences that assail us. Mr. Bush is the latest preprogrammed
lieutenant from a demented line of warmakers descended from World War I
arms dealer Samuel Walker, and not what you would call a family man,
except in the corporate sense. See,1518,418660,00.html

The presentation in Tehran was notable for two remarkable occurrences.

David Duke burst upon the world scene with forthright analyses of
Jewish control of world media, demolishing CNN's Mossad-controlled Wolf
Blitzer and other Ziomedia zombies in the process. His continuing
eloquence in these matters increasingly overshadows the aspersions
heaped upon him — and all the other free speech martyrs languishing
German jails — by the J media spin machine.

What the Holocaust conference in Iran really accomplished was a
definitive, scientific proof that Hitler and the Germans NEVER
developed a plan to exterminate anyone. Their so-called Final Solution
was deportation to Palestine, to rid German society of Jewish
influences which had ruled Germany cruelly and to unfair advantage
stemming from the Jewish-devised Treaty of Versailles that ended World
War I and guaranteed endless wars to come.

This argument has always been best articulated by a man known as the
dean of Holocaust Revisionists, retired Professor Robert K. Faurisson
of the University of Lyon, who at age 78 — after a half century of
being beaten and having his jaw broken by J thugs, and fresh from his
moral victory in court in France — was never stronger or more

"The holocaust is a put up job done by the Jews," he concluded.

Faurisson concluded in 1980: "The alleged Hitlerite gas chambers and
the alleged genocide of the Jews form one and the same historical lie,
which has permitted a gigantic political and financial swindle whose
main beneficiaries are the state of Israel and international
Zionism and whose main victims are the German people - but not their
leaders - and the Palestinian people in their entirety."

Thirty-seven years later, his contentions have only been verified and

" ... the "Holocaust" remains the lone official religion of the entire
West, a murderous religion if ever there was one. And one that
continues to fool millions of good souls in the crudest ways: the
display of heaps of eyeglasses, hair, shoes or valises presented as
"relics" of the "gassed", faked or deceptively exploited photographs,
texts of innocuous papers altered or purposely misinterpreted, endless
proliferation of monuments, ceremonies, shows, the drumming of the
Shoah into our heads as early as primary school, organised excursions
to the holy sites of alleged Jewish martyrdom and great show trials
with their calls for lynch-law.

This white-haired professor of French symbolist poets dominated the
Tehran conference with the same basic questions he has been asking for
30 years.

• "Show me or draw me a Nazi gas chamber."

(In today’s context, the question could well be, “Show me
weapons of mass destruction.”)

• "Bring me one proof, one single piece of evidence of your own
choosing, on the grounds of which to assert that there was a genocide."

• "Bring me one testimony, one single testimony, the best one in

The purveyors of propaganda who spout the term anti-Semitism battle
mightily to blot out the truth. And yet they have failed. Faurisson

First in France and later in a number of other countries in Europe,
these accusers have called for the passing of special laws to silence
the revisionists. Here they have sealed their doom. To resort to
special laws, to the police and prisons is to admit one's utter
inability to use the arguments of reason, history and science.

A hundred other arguments again could be recalled here to prove that,
on the plane of history and science, the immense edifice of lies put up
by the "Holocaust" or "Shoah" sect has been thrown down, with not one
stone left upon another. In contrast to this expanse of ruins, we have
seen the construction of a whole revisionist literature. In it can be
discovered a profusion of documents, photographs, expert studies, trial
transcripts, technical and scientific reports, testimonies, statistical
studies, all of which bearing on a hundred aspects of the history of
the Second World War that show what the lot of the European Jews was in
reality, and demonstrate in striking manner that the Jewish version of
that war is largely of the order of myth.

Faurisson demolishes the idea that the Germans "gassed" anyone at

• They cannot invoke a single document proving the crime.

• They are unable to provide the least representation of the crime

• They do not possess any proof nor even any evidence.

• They cannot name a single truthful witness

Faurisson calls the Holocaust myth “one of the greatest lies in

It has served to justify the creation in the land of Palestine of a
warlike colony that has taken the name of "Jewish State" and endowed
itself with a "Jewish Army". It imposes on the Western world the yoke
of a Jewish or Zionist tyranny bringing itself to bear in fields of
intellectual, academic & media activity.

It poisons the very soul of a great country, Germany. It has allowed
the extortion from the latter, as well as from a good number of other
Western countries, of exorbitant sums in marks, in dollars or in euros.
It overwhelms us with films, with museums, with books that keep the
flame of a Talmudic-style hatred burning.

It makes it possible to call for an armed crusade against "the axis of
evil" and, for this, to fabricate, on demand, the most shameless lies
precisely in the pattern of the Great Lie of the "Holocaust", for there
is no difference between Adolf Hitler's "weapons of mass destruction"
and those of Saddam Hussein.

It makes it possible to accuse nearly the whole world and to demand
"repentance" and "reparations" everywhere, either for alleged actions
directed against "Yahweh's chosen people", an alleged complicity in
the crime, or an alleged general indifference to the fate of the Jews
during the Second World War. Under its belt it has a glut of rigged
trials, beginning with the loathsome Nuremberg trial. It has sanctioned
thousands of hangings of defeated soldiers, an atrocious post-war
Purge, the deportation of millions of civilians chased from their
ancestral homelands, indescribable pillaging, tens of thousands of
scandalous legal proceedings, including those carried out today against
octogenarians or nonagenarians, attacked by "miraculous" Jewish
survivors giving their false testimony.

Born in 1929 of a French father and a Scottish mother, Faurisson taught
classical letters (French, Latin, Greek) before specializing first in
the analysis of modern and contemporary French literary texts and,
finally, in the appraisal of texts and documents (literature, history,
media). He was professor at the Sorbonne and the University of Lyon.
Because of his historical revisionist stands, he was
effectively forbidden from teaching. He has incurred many
convictions in the law courts and has suffered ten physical assaults.
In France, access to the press, radio and television is barred to
him, as it is to all revisionists.

Some Internet radio talk show hosts who pretend to be sincere insist we
may not talk about the Holocaust lest we offend our J benefactors.

Understanding how the facts of history have been manipulated for the
profits of a perverted few is essential to understanding all the other
lies: Iraq, Afghanistan, and 9/11, to name only a few of the recent
attacks upon our freedom of thought.

The Holocaust is the central lie of our time that must be understood in
all its complexity if real peace is ever again to prevail in our world.
Otherwise, Saddam’s fate is truly our own.

John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida whose
Internet essays have been seen on hundreds of websites around the


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