Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Voice of the White House July 29, 2006

TBR News.org – July 29, 2006

“The current bloodshed in poor Lebanon is causing all manner of stress here in the White House. A number of staffers, not the neocons or Israel supporters, demand that Bush allow the IDF to wipe out as many enemies, or perceived enemies (be they five years old children or members of Hezbollah) as they can before they run out of ammunition and Bush-supplied cluster bombs.

Others, less sanguine, opt for diplomacy and a cease fire but Bush and Cheney will have none of this. Poor Rice is stuck in the middle because she has to do what her lords and masters command and the command is to give all support to Israel, regardless of the consequences. Intercepted communications between Tel Aviv and Washington, now circulating, show very clearly that Israel believes it has Bush’s total support and is behaving accordingly.

That Bush has done nothing but have the odious Bolton block any UN cease fire attempts, is very clear here and this is making the less ferocious very queasy. It really does not matter to Bush what his staff thinks because he really doesn’t care. The President behaves like a very spoiled and very stubborn child who is going to do what he wants regardless of any objections from anyone.

If he signs a bill, he announces he will not enforce it and when the Supreme Court handed him a serious defeat in their Gitmo ruling, he simply tried to do an end run around the court.

You can tell Bush nothing and no one in the White House or at top levels in Washington dares to contradict him, no matter how legitimate the contradictions might be. Anyone, from Generals, Attorney Generals, State Department people or CIA analysists who dare to question Bush or, worse, dare to produce information contrary to what he thinks can bend over and kiss their ass goodbye. They will either be sacked, like Ashjcroft, or sent off to South Africa to inspect seal turds on the beach.

All Bush wants to hear, aside from approving laughter at his juvenile fratrat humor is the word ‘yes.’ “

See our Inside the White House archive:

A Complete Copy of the Voice of the White House from TBR News April 18, 2004- December 29, 2005

Last updated 01/08/2006


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